Now I have to look for a job again which I have been doing since I moved to Sydney. It's like finding a needle in the ocean. I can't believe it could be that damn difficult. I guess maybe because it is the specification of my profession or it is just my bad luck. This would be the worst year of my career life. It's been over 8 months that I have been struggled since I moved here. ...maybe it is true that someone says "if you are lucky in love, you will not be lucky in work"... or it is a sign telling me that I am not belong here. I am tying to believe that thing happens for the reason and something better will come along. huh!! Right now I am depressing and need a new job. HELP!!!
Thanks Chris! I am trying..
Job hunting is not easy. I went through some of that last year and you just have to keep at it. I went for lots of interviews and got nothing and then unexpectedly a great job came long and now I am very happy. I know that's easy to say but the right job will come along if you persevere. As Chris said you need to keep focus on the positives - A good relationship is a rare thing and you have one.
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