Wentworth Miller was in Seoul Korea this week to promote Bean Pole Jeans. He is obviously huge there and got special warm welcome from his thrilling fans. [Source]

Here is his print ads for Korean brand Bean Pole Jeans. I am sure he would have tried some kimchi.
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Hi there,
I like the Beanpole Jeans ad pic. Very cool *Smile*.
I am a young lady from South Africa and I would really like to send this intriguing gentleman, Wentworth Miller a letter. I have had no joy in finding his postal address, as it seems different each time I have a look at different websites. I have noted that for the William Morris Agency one I picked up that the postal code is/was 90210 then is/was 90212. Your assistance would be much appreciated, as this is foncusing the hell out of me. Thank you. :)
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