San Franciscans flocked to Dolores Park to compete in, and watch the annual Hunky Jesus competition 2008, what has become an Easter Sunday tradition. Officiated by a gay charity group known as the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, the event features scantily clad men dressed as the religious icon, in the hope of being crowned the hottest.

The Catholic community was not pleased, calling the event "blasphemous". But the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence said it was harmless pageant meant to "promote universal joy and expiate stigmatic guilt".

The event featured contestants such as Michealangelo Jesus and Second Coming Jesus, who carried his cross across the stage.

The Double Cross Jesus entrants were a hit with the crowd. Holy workout ... Gym Bunny Jesus made sure everyone had a laugh and kept fit at the same time.

Drunken straight Jesus and Threesome Jesus.

Finally, Michealangelo Jesus was a favourite with the crowd and was crowned Hunky Jesus 2008.

[Photo credit: Flickr
I love the work the Sisters do, but this is pretty insensitive, and disgusting
I don't think this is insensitive one bit. Cathlolics and right wing Christians (and all Christians) need to step back and relax a bit. The Sister make fun and joy out of everything and the thought of this city not having them would be a loss.
God has a sense of humor, after all he made George Bush didn't he. Lighten up and if you don't like it - don't attend the party. Odds are you probably have been touched by one of the groups they support here (they've given to over 800 charities world wide).
Keep rocking Sisters and I can't wait until next year!
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