
I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry

There is a new movie about gay couple but this time it's gay firefighters by Kevin James, playing Larry Valentine, a single dad trying to raise two kids on his own and Adam Sandler, in a role of Chuck Levine, a notorious playboy who has a new girl(s) every night.

I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry is a soon released comedy film about two straight, single Philadelphia firefighters (Sandler, James) pretend to be a gay couple in order to receive their department's domestic partner benefits. They try to keep their relationship a secret but it eventually gets out that they're a couple. Everyone they know starts treating them differently and they are witness to the discrimination homosexuals face on a regular basis. When they defend themselves, they defend gay people in general.

It sounds hilarious but would it be a bash at homosexuals? have to wait and see...
The film opens to theatres on July 20th.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a rip-off of the Paul Hogan film Strange Bedfellows. And since Adam S is one of the most talentless people in Hollyood, I'll give it a miss. Ian